When June Foray was ushered into eternity July 26, 2017 at the age of 99, Somebody NEEDS You became the last animated film she worked on. However, her voice lives on in the video, along with it’s message.
Somebody NEEDS You is a story that teaches empathy, about a girl who is not quite ‘tuned in’ to her surroundings, walking past opportunities to lend a hand, until she gets the insight that turns her around. After watching it, one mom wrote:
“…I love the beautiful, simple message… Regardless of your age or ability, there is always something you can do to help. This is something I try to instill in my children…I can share this video with them to show them how opportunities can present themselves by just opening their minds and hearts.”
The legendary queen of voiceovers, June Foray (best known as the voice of Rocky and Natasha from the TV show, Rocky and Bullwinkle) volunteered her voices on all four of the characters in the video which premiered at Comic-Con in 2016. It has since won numerous awards.
When Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon first told June about needing voices for the story she had written, June was happy to lend hers. “I’ll help!”, she said. “Anything for the kids.” We are so grateful for her generous and loving participation.
Toonboom generously donated the software to produce it.
June with her beloved caregiver, Judy, 2017
June’s dog, Ginger
Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon remarked about the last time she visited June in January, 2017,
“I enjoyed petting her lovely dog, Ginger. Then I was struck by how similar she looked to the dog in Somebody NEEDS You! And we didn’t even plan it that way!”
How accidentally perfect.
June’s voice is still reaching kids all over. The BOOK version is helping kids to learn to read.
Every child who sees the video, or reads the book, wants more – so we had no choice but to work on a second episode!
The adventure continues in the sequel, SOMEBODY NEEDS HONESTY. Our creative story and animation team are are pitching in their talents including Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon, Dani Bowman, Matt Miller, Jas Hilsdon, and a host of students from Edu Designs and Dani Academy.
Somebody Needs HONESTY tells what happens as the lead character in the story is faced with the question of what she should do after her ‘good deed’ has gone awry. A new lesson is learned, that life can still be good after mistakes.
We are excited to bring this story to life, and invite your support.
Here are lots of ways to give…
Purchase the book version of Somebody NEEDS You from Amazon Smile.(The words inside the book are identical to the video, and help teach kids to read!)
Did you know that Amazon Smile will give a donation to our non profit every time you shop for anything you buy on Amazon Smile? Just select EDU DESIGNS as your non profit of choice from this link, FIRST, and then do your shopping!
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I appreciate you!
Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon, Co-Founder and Director of EDU DESIGNS
PS – None of us gets a salary from our work here. 100% of your donations go to where it’s meant to go: To help the kids!