EDU Designs Reaches Kids with Special Needs!

So much has been happening I haven’t had time to let you know – from the art classes for kids with Special needs (see pic below) and many schools locally to the outreach to other countries (even Ghana and India) who are benefiting from our materials thanks to those who have found us via the internet.   I’ll be in Connecticut and reaching out to schools and organizations  there as well.  This map shows just a few of the places we are reaching.  The reaction from grateful teachers and parents is like bringing water to thirsty travelers along a lonely desert road. There’s so much need for what you and I are doing!

Please continue your support and tell others – I know they will thank you.

Everyone benefits from what we do. If you know a parent, student or teacher, tell them about GoMommyGO® and EDU DESIGNS.

Many Blessings…

And thanks,



Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon

Kids and Parents need all the help they can get.

EDU DESIGNS and GoMommyGO® are there to help, providing materials for parents and teachers who can’t afford them.  We need YOUR help to do that!

Please donate!

A grateful heart sits at a continuous feast. Proverbs 15:15