Are you seeing kids constantly glued to electronic devices?
Are you wishing they’d use their creativity, or worry they won’t develop real life skills?
While my 7 kids were growing I realized all children need positive media and educational resources to lift them up.
Art is one of the BEST ways to motivate and inspire us at ANY age. While I was working in Animation, I found drawing to be calming and therapeutic. While my hands were busy drawing, my mind was free, going deeper into understanding myself and the things that were troubling me. The insights that came were life changing. Along with finding solutions to problems, it was like meditation, but easier to do for someone like myself who has trouble sitting still. I guess I’m still like a kid that way! I believe children can have this type of experience when given the chance to draw. And it helps us slow down! Art is not just good for eye-hand coordination. It’s good for mind-heart coordination, too! The positive benefits will help all of us as the KIDS today become the ADULTS in charge.
I founded the non profit EDU DESIGNS to freely share ideas for building brains and hearts through the arts. Take advantage of these resources and someday they will thank you for turning off the ‘TV’ and allowing them a chance to develop their imaginations and problem solving skills.
I feel so strongly about helping kids, I put everything I learned in my Art Textbook, SEE WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING AT!, to get you started!
About it, noted psychologist, Dr. Shribala Kumar said, “This never before combination of ingredients gives an unforgettable learning experience in art and math… this book fuels the synergy between the left and the right brain to take advantage of your child’s full potential.”
Click here to get a free copy of SEE WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING AT!
(no email required to download)
Free Parenting Tips For kids of all ages:
VIDEOS and more, including:
Free Illustrated Behavior Charts
for kids 2yrs and up
Warm Wishes,
Ruth Elliott-Hilsdon, Founder of Edu Designs and GoMommyGO®
PS – If you believe in our mission, join in to nurture the little ones with high ideals of good character.
If you can help, the world needs you!